Gegen Stumpfsinn
und Langeweile

aus dem Äther.


Framework #499

This edition of framework:afield, entitled ‘train’, has been produced in germany by regular contributor d. l. lutz. notes from the producer:
This earscape mainly features field recordings from a long-distance train in Germany going from Hamburg Main Station to Berlin Main Station, passing small towns, forests and river Elbe, meeting and overtaking other trains, allowing to hear horses and birds in the meadows, moving very slow and very fast… This ride is compiled for everyone who suffers from wanderlust and likes wind and track noises and bad conductor’s announcements because it reminds him / her of the pleasant, unburdened state of travelling. But without the visual information that the carriage window provides, the typical train sounds of metal, speed and echoes of the surroundings develop an unfamiliar, and often mysterious, life of its own.

By superimposing fragments of the fascinating two-hour post-modern composition “Music For Checking Emails” by Wolfgang Mitterer from Austria, the atmospheric, suspended, reminiscential aspect is increased. Mitterers topic is a different one, but his work is also dealing with the fragmented surface of this modern world – which happens to be an acoustical fit that works surprisingly well. Listen loud and have a good journey!

D. L. Lutz, born 1969 in Germany, is a practising architect, writer and sound artist living in Berlin.

[sound sources]

D. L. Lutz: IRE_B-HH_HH-B_140518; self-published
Biosphere: Translation; from: Autour De La Lune, Touch Records, 2004
Biosphere: Microtunneling; Lyd/By sound installation in Aarhus / Denmark, 25 Aug 2001; download from (link deleted)
The Vancouver Soundscape (World Soundscape Project): Music Of Horns & Whistles; from: David Toop, Ocean Of Sound, virgin AMBT10, 1996
Wolfgang Mitterer: Music For Emails… Giving The Illusion Of Depth; fragments of the following parts: Background 01, 13, 04, 15, 11, 14, 03, 10, Bad Receiver & Hello Mr Bruckner; col legno WWE 2cd 20289, 2009

This edition of framework:afield, entitled ‘train’, has been produced in germany by regular contributor d. l. lutz. notes from the producer:


Kodama (Hitoshi Kojo and Micheal Northam), Eric La Casa with Jean-Luc Guionnet, Jehanne Thibault, Yair Lopez, sounds from the Aporee Soundmaps by Carlo Patrao, Flavien Gilliē, OR Poeisis, and Henrik Schroeder, and a framework introduction recorded in India by Martin Clarke.

well folks, we’re getting very close. out next regular edition is show #500! and we have some celebrations planned for the rest of the year. first, of course, the show itself, which will be the first of a run featuring new and unheard works contributed by a group of the artists who have helped to make framework what it is. these works will then be released on the latest project by framework editions, framework500, harking back to the 4-disc release we made to celebrate our 250th show in 2009, framework250. for framework500 we have invited artists from framework250 back (the first time we have repeated artists in our release history) to contribute again to a new celebratory release. this time we have three discs, again in special origami packaging, with works by jeph jerman, asmus tietchens, peter cusack, dallas simpson, phill niblock, felicity ford, eamon sprod, richard garet, jonathan colecough, loren chasse, and 18 more! this release will again be available only through framework radio, in exchange for your generous donations. stay tuned for images and track details very soon!
meanwhile some great sounds in this show. long extracts from a the immense 4-cd project by éric la casa and jean-luc guionnet entitled home : handover, which involved interpreting and reinterpreting domestic spaces through documentation, discussion and, performance. also, another beautiful handmade release from the omnimemento label, a recent work by michael northam and hitoshi kojo’s kodama project (kodama and jean-luc guionnet also feature on framework500). first appearances on the program by french artist jehanne thibault and mexican artist yair lópez, whose cd release we featured is also available for free download from his bandcamp page (link below). and another selection of recent favorites from the aporee soundmaps, as chosen by aporee users.

[time / artist / track / album / label]

00:00 – 03:28 / martin clarke / framework introduction, recorded in india

02:18 – 14:26 / or poeisis / nocturnal, rain / kyoto, japan / aporee soundmaps

06:06 – 16:45 / kodama / archaea / phxa / omnimemento,

12:09 – 22:10 / éric la casa & jean-luc guionnet / ii.4 – synthesis / home : handover / potlach,,

18:28 – 27:13 / carlo patrão / santa cruz sports field / são nova, portugal / aporee soundmaps,

21:07 – 30:56 / yair lópez / [title track] / paisaje sonoro del malecón de puerto vallarta / [self-release],

24:57 – 36:53 / jehanne thibault / le réveil / eskifjörður / kaon,

33:17 – 45:28 / kodama / photon / phxa / omnimemento,

36:39 – 41:52 / henrik schroeder / town hall, citizen center / berlin, germany / aporee soundmaps

40:55 – 51:39 / éric la casa & jean-luc guionnet / iii.4 – synthesis / home : handover / potlach,,

42:01 – 54:13 / jehanne thibault / le naufrage / eskifjörður / kaon,

46:42 – 54:56 / yair lópez / cooperativa de pescadores / paisaje sonoro del malecón de puerto vallarta / [self-release],

53:10 – 57:00 / flavien gillié / under the bridge / anderlecht, belgium / aporee soundmaps /,

Kodama (Hitoshi Kojo and Micheal Northam), Eric La Casa with Jean-Luc Guionnet, Jehanne Thibault, Yair Lopez, sounds from the Aporee Soundmaps by Carlo Patrao, Flavien Gilliē, OR Poeisis, and Henrik S

Framework Radio bei Radio freeFM

Framework Radio Existiert seit 2002 und wurde zum ersten mal beim renommierten englischen Sender Resonance FM In London gespielt.
Die Sendung wird mittlerweile weltweit auf verschiedensten Radiostationen und Podcasts veröffentlicht und Beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Fieldrecording im Kontext zur Komposition.

Wir kennen keine Grenzen. Weder Auditiv noch Geografisch legen Wir uns fest und präsentieren unseren Hörern eine künstlerische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema der Außenaufnahmen (Im weitesten Sinne ) und Komposition. Also. Es geht um den gefundenen Sound. Den Klang, den man nicht selbst entwickelt sondern dem man auf der Straße, in Hinterhöfen eben einfach draußen begegnet. Es wird hingehört, das außergewöhnliche extrahiert, dem nachgegangen, was uns in in unserem täglichen dasein oft „unhörbar“ bleibt.

Framework Radio geht der Frage nach, was Außenaufnahmen wirklich sind.
Sind Sie ein Stil, ein Genre oder wird der Hörer nur mit einer unkontrollierbare Situation konfrontiert, in welche er sein Mikrofon hält um es Elektroakustisch einzufangen?

Framework Radio beschäftigt sich mit der Kunst, Aufnahmen aus dem öffentlichen Raum in einen kompositorischen Kontext zu stellen und somit eine neue vielleicht unerhörte Form der Komposition zu erschaffen. Hier haben internationale Künstler die Möglichkeit sich und ihre Arbeiten zu präsentieren, sich auf ihre Art mit dem Framework Konzept auseinander zu setzten. Wir laden euch ein, eine Community kennen zu lernen, die abseits des Mainstream, neue Formen und Ansätze sucht, mit Klang und Komposition umzugehen.

Framework Radio sendet jeden Donnerstag zwischen 23-24 Uhr.
Weiterführende Informationen und den Podcast findet ihr unter

Spitzt eure Ohren und lauscht.


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