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Film noir

Film noir sounds der 40´er & 50´er

Artist Titel
Adolph Deutsch The maltese falcon, 1941
Max Steiner The letter, 1940
Miklos Rozsa Double Indemnity, 1944
Miles Davis Chez le photographe du motel, Ascenseur por l´échaufaud, 1958
Miles Davis Florence sur lec champs-Élysées, Ascenseur por l´échaufaud, 1958
Miklos Rozsa The Killers, 1946
Davis Raksin Force of evil, 1948
Miklos Rozsa The brute force, 1947
Miklos Rozsa The asphalt jungle, 1950
Dimtri Tiomkin D.O.A., 1950
Leith Stevens Privat hell 36, 1954
David Raksin Suddenly, 1954
Elmer Bernstein The man with the golden arm, 1955
Bernd Herrmann Psycho, 1960
Robert Schumann Notorious, 1946
Frank de Vol Kiss me deadly, 1955
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